Why We Write

Marco Min
2 min readApr 20, 2020

When I took part in Handal community, there were a mount of writers there. The amount of creative writing programs at Handal have exploded. There are over 100 blogs. Someone shoot me through their blog, at that time seriously though, why do I write? Why are all of us pursuing writing in the face of the increasingly limited attention spans of the broader public ? I think we write for three main reason

1. To be fully alive

Whenever I write something, I felt like fully alive. Writing draws us into moment. I see the blades of grass, watch the shade travel from one edge of the yard to the other. Writing helps us make art out of everyday, ordinary moments.

Photo by Brandon Bynum on Unsplash

2. Write can make create a new world.

People consume now more than ever in the history of the world. We eat more, we listen to more music, and we consume more information; However, We have also learned enough about consumerism to know it won’t make us happy.

Writing give us a chance to turn the tides on consumerism. Rather than consume more, we can make something. Humans have a built in need to make our mark on the world. We want to bring new things to life, to mold things into the image we have in our imaginations, to subdue the earth.We write not just to change the world, but to create a new world.

Photo by Kristian Løvstad on Unsplash

3. We write to discover meaning.

Writers are uniquely gifted to find meaning for themselves and to help others find meaning. In fact, this has always been the main task of storytellers. Every story matters to the person living it, and our job is to tell the universal stories, the stories that reveal the story of every person on the earth.

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

